Friday, February 22, 2008


Thank-ful: [thangk-fuhl] –adj. feeling or expressing gratitude; appreciative.

My prayer life is weaker than I'd like it to be. It's something I'm working on for sure. I've realized how much I ask of God. Not that asking is a bad thing, but God has done so much for me that I just look over and never acknowledge. So many of the things I have asked for has been answered, and I have not thanked God for those blessings.

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."-Col. 2:6-7

-I Lettered in Academics this week. 2nd semester of senior year... it's about time. (so not over it yet)
-Safe Trip to and from Abilene last weekend, with only a few minor directional errors.
-Amazing friends who always have my back.
-The fact that God is opening up my eyes to see his glory.
-God working in my weaknesses (see last post).
-My mom and Bill's divorce!(probably wont ever get over that one)

I'm so glad I'm able to see God's hand in all of this. When I received the text from my mom last Friday morning that said "I'm divorced wooohooo!" I was so happy, I cried in Chapel. It's one of those things you never think will happen, and when it does you really can't believe it. All I ever want is for my mom to be happy and now she finally can be without Bill in her life to bring her down. God is so good.

So now I'm asking for prayers. Please pray that I can forgive Bill. The very thought of that makes me cringe, but when I try to see him through Christ's eyes, I see a human who is hurting. A human who has an addiction, and needs Christ's mercy. Honestly, if I had it my way I'd never forgive him. I hate him. He's down there with Satan to me. But, if God is love and hate is the exact opposite of love, and I'm striving to be an imitator of God, then I have to love him. There is no other option. So please pray for me to obtain this love.

That's all I have for tonight fellow bloggers.

Peace, Love, and Lauren.


Clint Askins said...

thanks for your honesty. as Christians, i think we sometimes feel like we can't admit that we don't know how to love someone or forgive them. but it isn't easy. it's great to see your heart and desire to be Godly, and I believe He will bless you for that!

Katie said...

I love your heart.